Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Drugstore Addiction: A Modern Wonder of Life's Mundane Problems Solved

I now realize I have a bit of a drugstore fetish...I absolutely love spending what turn out to be hours milling around in Shopper's Drug Mart which is like the Canadian version of Rite Aid! What is it about drugstores? I don't like browsing around in the supermarket but you'd think food and drinks would be much more enticing than shampoo and foot cream!

But low and behold the absolutely magical wonder products that clutter the shelves of a health and beauty aisle are nothing less than thrilling to me...I think it's because unlike products that satisfy a reoccurring urge like thirst and hunger (dang I just spent $300 at the market and I still don't know what to cook for dinner 2 days later!) everything at the drugstore has the real potential to solve a nagging problem of yours once and for all...

Look at this beauty for example: Flexitol Foot Balm

Now if you're a spring chicken and your skin is dewy and smooth this would seem like a ridiculous product...but when you're over 40 and have been chasing down small humanoids more times than you'd like, your feet (along with the rest of your body) take a real beating!

All of sudden you have these snaggly skin shards scratching everything from the back of husband's thigh to your favorite tights ('d think your feet couldn't possibly be so bad that they could rip up tights, right?).

Well there's a product for that! Foot Balm!

And I can attest that after blowing $100 bucks today at Shopper's, it works!...Along with all the other fabulous, problem solving health aids that I discovered while trolling the displays!! A wonder of capitalism and marketing: the drugstore!

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